With a wreath woven of winter jasmine, It's Me is one of the most laid-back Polars that one will ever meet. He can lounge in one spot for hours on end without bothering to get up, and his gentle nature allows for him to remain relaxed even while cubs are clambering all over him or playing nearby. This behavior is most often observed during warmer months, such as late spring and early summer. Being a Polar means he's also quite protective over those he cares for, and woe betide those who threaten harm to or otherwise bully his cherished ones, especially in his presence, as he is highly unlikely to leave them alive. He comes alive during colder weather, where he can be found rolling large snowballs for young ones or fishing in the nearby waters when he's feeling peckish. It's Me also has a bit of a soft spot for rabbits, Lepicerin or not, and has the tendency to coddle them whenever he gets the chance. He can occasionally be heard humming from time to time, though he doesn't usually do it when others are around to hear him. He also enjoys swimming from time to time, normally during winter time but occasionally on hot summer days.