Given the update to the Database, please use this format for your creature suggestions. ((If you already have posted a suggestion before now, don't worry about altering what you have!))
Singular: The Singular name, (a creature) Plural: Many of them at once, (many creatures) Group: What are they called as a group? (A Herd/pod/whatever of creatures) Communication - How do they communicate? Size Ranges – What are the extremes of their sizes or does rank have a factor in it? Colorations – What kinds of colors and markings do they come in, and does rank factor in? Naming Convention -- Are they picky about names, and if so how?
General Information This is for whatever general information, history, or origin that you may want for the species.
Mating Information
Almost all creatures have a way to attract mates, so that (or a note on their not having one or even procreating by typical means) go here.
Bonding Information
Some species have quirks that attract them to a potential Bond, or things that happen
Lastly, the ranks! In general these run between 5 and 1 stars, though for the truly RARE ranks upwards of 10 may be given.
For ease of readability please list how many stars a rank is with a number followed by the * sign. (IE 1*, 5*, 10*)
(Example: Rank Name Star Number Description - you may want to include any personality and physical qualities, how many young female members will birth or lay at a time, etc)